Sunday, December 22, 2019

Public Health And Academic Writing - 980 Words

Although it is imperative for an educated person to comprehend research and writing in his or her particular field of study, a truly informed individual must also possess the ability to understand the variety of ways that knowledge is made in other disciplines. Having a broad contextual background to draw from will allow a person to make deeper realizations when reading work shared by fellow practitioners of the same field. One academic area outside of those I am most familiar with is public health. Within the sphere of public health, academic writing is published to educate citizens about the conditions in which the best possible health may be maintained (What is Public Health?). Someone who chooses to delve into this type of writing will increase his or her league of knowledge and be more aware of their surrounding environment. In order to understand research written by a public health official, it is necessary to have general knowledge about what this type of work consists of. Pu blic health seeks to prevent illness and injury within a community in addition to encouraging the people who live there to engage in healthy lifestyles (What is Public Health?). This means that before anything else can be done, an expert must employ in scientific research to find out why a certain health issue is occurring within a community and what can be done to solve it. Some of the issues researched include gun violence, climate change, health equity and reform, tobacco and drug use,Show MoreRelatedAn Online Class Study Health Care Administration1017 Words   |  5 PagesAttending an online class studying health care administration has been informative for my career success. Within this class, I’ve learned the importance of specific formatting styles and academic integrity. I’ve recognized my strengths and weaknesses within master’s program in order to become proficient in my future. 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